- Your favorite lip color: I used matte lipstick(red), but you can use any color in any form as long as not metallic and it’s darker than the highlighting powder.
- Highlighting powder: You can use a shimmer eye shadow,and then you must use white shimmer eye shadow,because for make a natural shimmer at your lips
- Apply the lip color all over. You can use a lip brush if you want
- lightly open your mouth and “stamp” your finger directly in the center of both your top and bottom lips..Voila completed guys ^O^..!very quick tips for you guys,you can try this tips whenever you go to the party ,ok bye, in the next tips guysss ^O^
Lee Via Han
nice tips...
hi sekar!thankyou yah ^_^
Hapusglowy lips :D
BalasHapushehe iya nih rhea,thankyou udah mampir ^_^
Hapuswowww.. jadi bagus bangettt... =) nice tips =)
BalasHapushi sabrina! thankyou sangat ^_^
HapusNice tuto.. :D
BalasHapusKayaknya bagus buat yg bibirnya tipis atau ... Klo bibir nyunyun n tebel kayak aku bisa2 tambah sekseh... Hehehe...
haha sama sis mizha,bisa makin luas nih bibir nampaknya :D :D
HapusGreat tips, the frost and the color looks great on you. I like your blog, it's very cute. I'm following you now, will you come check out my blog?
BalasHapusJen xx
aww so thankyou ^_^,i will check ur blog
HapusNice tips! (:
hi xiao !thankyou^_^
Hapuswaaah so lovely tips! i would try it tomorrow :D
BalasHapusbtw maybe you also need to check eyeshadow's ingredients, maybe some of them wouldn't be good if it's eaten or what (:
hi tania ! haha thankyou,yeah i know,but u can try this tips not recommended for daily makeup ,just maybe for the party :D :D
HapusWhat a cool idea! :D
hi lydia! hehe so thankyou ^_^
Hapusnice info dear!! thankyou.. <3